the editor of the Thx for the IView! I Wud ♥ to Work 4
U!! ;) article, Sarah E. Needleman, I would like to highlight that it is
quite ordinary for most college students to feel somewhat ecstatic and appreciative
after enduring a successful interview. Therefore, from their perspective, it is
not a major concern to use text-speech to express great thanks to the
interviewer who made it possible for them to attain their desired job. It is a
simple demonstration of gratitude. Young people find it completely
normal to write in an informal way of English within technology or social media.
Therefore, for those interviewers or "formal" adults that seem to get
offended by it, they should not, as it is a part of those students' daily
language. On
the other hand, I do agree with your point of view to an extent that text-speech
should be specifically used in the appropriate place and time. It
should not go as far as to casually sending Facebook messages and using
abbreviations to thank interviewers, or any strangers in fact. It
should be emphasized that formal and professional English should be used within
conversations taken with those that are important to one's education and profession.
Social media and its "language" should be used personally within
closer relationships, away from professional work. Nevertheless, what I am striving
to elucidate is that as the generations proceed and the years progress, this
so-called issue involving using text-speech, will only become "worse". Therefore,
as a logical solution, using such way of speaking should be accepted because it
is the most comfortable way for young people to communicate, considering that
they should speak as they write. Social media and texting overall has
become an important part of everyone's life, young and old, that cannot be
ignored or abandoned. It is not terrible to communicate in such way, because
when looking into text-speech studies, there are many positives that include:
the frequency of communication, broadening vocabulary, leading to higher
literacy scores, and its emergent complexity.
This is a well written response in my opinion! the language you used was suitable to this type of text and you stayed true to it throughout the whole response. well done!