The print
advertisement, established by Child Fund International publicizes about their new
Dream Bike Program. When explicitly analyzing specific components that tie
together the advertisement as a whole, it can be said that the persuasive appeals and strong visual content reveal the cultural, social, and historical contexts as well as
the values of its production.
With the aim
of attracting, persuading, raising awareness, and educating, Child Fund
emotionally connects (pathos) with financially stable individuals to get engaged
to provide young girls living in impoverished countries with "two wheels"
(Dream Bike) as their source of transportation to their path of success. This
is specifically aimed to target parents through the immediate need to nurture those
young girls that are lacking a safe transportation on their everyday route to
school. As a result, they would sympathize and donate to Child Fund. Since girls in India as well as most impoverished countries, are
restricted in obtaining their equal rights of having an education due to gender
inequality and cultural beliefs on gender roles, this ad fights this catastrophic
issue by promoting and guaranteeing a simple solution that young girls could have the potential of accessing a safe pathway to an education through the funding and use of a Dream Bike. It
is valuing the rights of women to receive an education, as it is very
well-known that within this generation, females face concerning struggles regarding
the inequality on their part in comparison to the overpowering males. As a
result empowerment towards women are specifically looked upon in comparison to
the men that are completely ignored. This is due to the breaking of the
stereotype of young Indian girls not prioritizing their right to pursue an education,
while men having more rights to get an education, acquire a job, and earn money
to financially support the household. This ad therefore promotes that through
the simple solution of funding "two wheels", one will be making the
greatest difference to India in regards to reviving the girls' dreams and
supplying them with a guaranteed path and ride to a successful future.
This was a very interesting read! You were able to discuss the historical and cultural context of the print ad, as well as mentioning the purpose of the ad in a clear manner! The analysis of the print ad was justified with good use of evidence obtained from print ad! Good Job :)