Prompt: With reference to Things
Fall Apart, discuss how an understanding of gender influences how the text may
be understood.
Thesis Statement:
Gender-related differences in
Things Fall Apart cultivates distinct trails for Umuofian males and females,
evident through customary Igbo practices such as ritual events, agriculture, child-care,
and penalties that delve into societal realities of Igbo time to give the reader appreciation of culture, religion, and prominent themes.
Topic Sentences:
1. Gender in Things
Fall Apart implants cultural variation that in turn projects its exclusivity to
aid in the understanding of the values of the Igbo culture
2. The distinction of
sexual category through gender in Things Fall Apart enhances the understanding of the chain
of command within the Igbo government
3. Gender clogs central
themes and internal conflicts such as hyper-masculinity, which in turn serves as the backbone for understanding
the choices of characters in Things Fall Apart
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